- Measuring tools, Gauges, Calibration

    Thread ring gauge GO or NO-GO 6g M 10 x 0,75

    Thread ring gauge GO or NO-GO 6g M 10 x 0,75 U1214132
    Abbildung: Thread ring gauge GO or NO-GO 6g (The picture may slightly differ from the original.)

    Order-No.: U1214132

    75,60 EUR

    (plus 19% VAT = 89,96 EUR)

    (plus. Shippingcosts)

    Delivery time: 1-2 Weeks Delivery times subject to intermediate sale.

    Order / Offer request:

    0049 351 4219125
    📠 0049 351 4219127

    Thread ring gauge for ISO metric fine threads
    Tolerance: 6g
    Size: M 10 x 0,75

    more details

    More details
    GO or NO-GO thread ring gauge for ISO metric fine threads
    Made in Germany

    Tolerance: 6g
    Size: M 10 x 0,75
    according to ISO 1502 ( DIN13)

    - Made of hardened tool steel

    NOTE: Price is per thread ring gauge.
    Please specify when ordering: GO thread ring gauge or NO-GO thread ring gauge

    On request:

    - Works calibration or DAkkS (DKD) calibration certificate of an accredited laboratory
    - Left hand thread and other tolerances
    - TIN- and TICN-coated or hard chrome-plated thread